Wow, it has been a while. I noticed that nearly five years have gone by without a post to the blog. Not to make excuses but there has been a lot going on in that time. I have been engaged back in the aviation community as a consultant working in a couple of technical areas and have endured numerous personal challenges as well.
All that said, there has been some exciting challenges and new opportunities during this time that have served as great learning exercises as well as productive service times for customers. The amount of times I have seen business reinventing the wheel by repeating mistakes made by others is amazing. Why businesses and managers keep repeating the bad part of history is beyond comprehension.
It has been my pleasure working with some very bright people who "get it" when they hire people with experience they do not have in their portfolio and then use that experience to their advantage. One such example is a proactive manager who hired me to broker the sale of his business. While I had not completed a sale before, I have studied business and the valuation and sale of them for over 30 years. Now having completed a sale I can say that I have a great deal of respect for the work that business brokers do. It was a learning experience and a lot of fun. I hope to find another owner to serve in the near future but my eyes are now wide open to the level of detail and time required to achieve a win-win situation for the seller and buyer.
More experiences to follow as I am exploring work in cyber security research and general management engagements.