Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Politics signals IT shortcomings

Like most Americans I have been watching the Presidential election process closely this time around. Given the current state of affairs in this country I figured the better informed I am the better my decisions would be.

We have now elected to the highest office in the country a person who prides himself on being well connected. Barack Obama is an avid Blackberry user, web surfer, email power user, Facebook user, and text messaging guru. This is not normal in Washington, D.C. Most of the elected officials in D.C. are up there in age so they are not used to all the options available to them.

The news recently is that the President Elect might have to give up his Blackberry in order to comply with the Presidential records act and security good practices. What does this really mean? It means that wireless device security and managed services like Blackberry Internet Services are less secure than they should be. It means that the President has just found out that, while he can be the most connected guy in the world when he is in the office or on his plane, he can not carry around his own personal communications device. It means that we in the IT field still have some work to do.

Can you imagine how good it would feel if we could say that it would be safe for the president to carry and use a Blackberry? We may never get there but it is a good target goal to strive for.

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